Soakin up the sun

Bulldogs love the sunshine. Limit their time outside to mornings, when it's cooler, or evenings. Bulldogs over heat quickly in the heat of the day, and should never be left outside for even an hour when it's hot. They love to sun bathe, and can get sunburned!!! I always have to bring mine in the house, when I feel the heat begin to climb in the morning. If they do overheat you can lose them quickly. Put your pup in a cool bath, NOT COLD, too cold and it will shock their system. Signals that they are overheating are excessive panting, foaming at their mouth, wheezing. Wet the chest area and under the neck to quickly reduce swelling in the throat. Above all pay attention to them when they are outside. Never walk a bulldog in the middle of the day. Snorting is a cute sound but deep wheezing and snorting is BAD. Your pup is trying to tell you they are in distress. It’s up to you to tell them they’ve had enough sun. Be alert and keep them cool even when exercising. Take a squirt bottle to cool them down and put water easily into their mouths. Enjoy the sun but be safe. Sports games too can be fun to show off your fuzzy pal but be sure to keep them shaded and cool.