Ears, ears, ears.....
I clean ears with an ear solution that I get from my vet. I have used OtiCalm Ear Solution by DMV Pharmaceuticals, and/or VET solutions Ear Cleansing Solution for dogs & cats. I wipe the inside of their ear, and clean it with a soft moistened washcloth, after putting some solution in there and massaging the ear and canal area. Then, I gently wipe out any collected wax build up with a few Q-tips or some cotton balls. Cotton make up removers work well too. If you ever do get a build up that causes an ear infection, immediately take your dog to the vet for some Otomax Ointment. This stuff is amazing! Within a few days, the redness and swelling will go away, and usually after that the ears will be clear. Regular ear cleaning will help with build up and can avoid the problem wax makers all together. Some dogs just make a lot of the stuff and others don’t. Bathing them will also help cut back on waxy build up.
Mugsy doesn’t like to have her ears cleaned so she will shake her head a lot when I try and clean her so be very careful with Q-tips! Make sure your kid is calm and starting as puppies to do regular grooming gets them used to things over time.