Giving your bully a shower

I shower my dogs once a month. Walk in showers are the best but shallow bathtubs work too. In the winter I only do spot baths so they are not completely wet down. When it’s cold you never want to let your dog outside after a bath or shower they can get sick fast just like a person can. You don’t want to dry their skin too much either but it’s also important to keep them fresh and clean. I have a walk in shower I use because wet slippery 60 pound dogs are easy to drop trying to get them out of a bathtub not to mention bad for the back. I use Chi shampoo for dogs. Here is the Amazon link for it.

Baby shampoo works great on puppies. Get the no tears formula for children. I clean their ears with Q-Tips (not to far into the ears) and check their feet for sores or hot spots. If I find any sores I treat those with Melaleuca Oil or Animax Ointment. If you get them used to being showered as babies you won’t have a struggle when they’re large adults. Here is the link for the ointment. You will need a vet to approve the purchase.
