
Several years ago my Ruger had to have ACL surgery on both of his back knees. It was because of years of jumping off my bed and off the couch. The doctor did a great job on his surgeries but in order to really help him heal I hired a mobile acupuncture vet to come help him at our house. She saw him every other week and it helped him so much that we continued the treatments until I lost him in October of 2022. She also did laser treatments on his incisions and that also helped him in healing. I had always thought that acupuncture was an incredible form of medicine and after seeing how much it helped Ruger I’m convinced it was the reason he was able to walk again so quickly after his surgeries. Dr. Rapp is gentle and Ruger took to her immediately. She also does PMEF therapy too. Pulse electromagnetic field therapy helps in blood circulation. It helps in bone healing, wound care, post operative pain, tendon disorders and inflammation. I was grateful I had found her. Oddly enough I just Googled home vets and she came up in Colorado Springs.

I don’t carry pup insurance on my dogs. I choose to put whatever premium I would have paid into a savings account for them and it grows over the years until they need it. That way all expenses are covered even shots and office visits that insurance companies won’t cover. It doesn’t work for everyone but it worked well for me. Ruger had a stroke in his neck when he was 9 years old and there was enough saved up to pay for the MRI and the neurologist he needed. I also had enough for his double ACL repairs and therapy after. If he had gotten cancer or some other insanely expensive problem it wouldn’t have covered that but for what we needed I think we did pretty well. The trick to it was to set up the account so that the funds were automatically withdrawn from my checking account each month so that I didn’t even miss them. I didn’t have that account in my online banking menu so I didn’t even know how much was in there or was even tempted to use that money for anything else. It was his. Accounts can be set up like that.

Anyhow Ruger lived three more years past his stroke and we were able to provide for his care in his senior years. All dogs have special needs when they get older. Whether it’s a stroke like Ruger, medication for aging bodies or acupuncture to keep them comfortable at the end of their lives. I was happy to do this for my little guy. Dr Rapp was and is an angel for us. She still comes to see Ruby Jewel every other week now that Ruger is no longer with us. Ruby is 12, the same age as Ruger was when I lost him. I know that she will most likely leave me soon but helping her live her best life is a privilege. You can reach Dr. Rapp at this website address. Tell her Adele from Tankrtots sent you. She’s in the Colorado Springs/Pueblo area only. If you think your baby would do well with these treatments in your area Google “canine acupuncture” and just see what comes up. You’ll be glad you did. Here is her website if you’d like to take a look…

Adele Marshall